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Therapy for Family Issues in Commerce & West Bloomfield
A family resolving a conflict with their therapist.

Family Issues

Oftentimes, families struggle to be a cohesive unit that works functionally and productively together.

Each member of the family has their own role and at times those roles develop unhealthy patterns of interaction with one another. Oftentimes, families are aware of their deficits and seek out family therapy initially. However, sometimes a parent will seek out treatment for their child and after learning the family dynamics, a therapist can identify it is a family problem and not an individual one. Either way, family therapy can be extremely beneficial as a way to learn healthy behaviors to work as a unified team. 

A family, happy to know the ways that family therapy can help them.

How Can Family Therapy Help My Family

Family therapy teaches family members about how families function in general and, in particular, how their own functions. It also helps the family focus less on the member who has been identified as ill and focus more on the family as a whole. Family therapy helps to identify conflicts and anxieties and helps the family develop strategies to resolve them. Additionally, it strengthens all family members so they can work on their problems together. Lastly, it teaches ways to handle conflicts and changes within the family differently.

A couple contemplating why they should consider family therapy.

Why Should My Family Consider Therapy

Sometimes the way family members handle problems makes them more likely to develop symptoms. There are many reasons that families seek out treatment including but not limited to, the parents have conflict within their relationship, a child has behavior or school problems, children have problems getting along with each other, blending two families together, learning how to cope with a family member’s medical diagnosis, or a family member has a long term mental illness or substance abuse problem.

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About Insurance?

Your financial situation shouldn’t be a barrier to you living a happier life. We accept a wide range of insurance plans and offer sliding scale rates to make sure you can get the treatment you need.

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