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Our Team at Viewpoint Psychology & Wellness

Glen Schwartz, Director of Operations

Director of Operations/Founder

Office:  248-669-9500 X 710

With varied, cross-functional educational backgrounds in business, law and policy, Glen has provided strong institutional management focused on return driven strategies in a wide range of industries including, but not limited to, environmental, trucking, rail, construction, component manufacturing, healthcare and real estate. As an implementer of processes focused on systems intended to ethically maximize return and identify unmet needs, he has represented and evaluated both large and small business and investors alike. In 2013, Glen sold his business to The Andersons, a Fortune 500 Company. He then went on to start / co-found Viewpoint Psychology & Wellness as well as participated in numerous other business ventures.


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Your financial situation shouldn’t be a barrier to you living a happier life. We accept a wide range of insurance plans and offer sliding scale rates to make sure you can get the treatment you need.

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