Research over the years have shown that animals can reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress for people. Fifteen to thirty minutes of play time with a puppy has shown marked improvement in a person's mood. Colleges and universities across the US are now offering "Puppy Rooms" on campus for it's students to come and play with a puppy to reduce stress levels from academics. The number of therapy animals is drastically increasing in different settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, schools, and even physician's offices. The animals provide comfort to people in emotional and physical need. At Viewpoint, we are not only a therapy practice, but a wellness clinic as well. We are always looking for ways to incorporate different aspects of wellness in our practice. Oreo (our newest staff member and emotional support puppy) may appear in one of your sessions at Viewpoint. Look for her in the coming weeks! Also feel free to ask your clinician about her as well.